ART R&D team has a broad scope of research and engineering backgrounds that result in an extensive range of cutting-edge capabilities

Radar Systems
Design and analysis of radar systems and subsystems.
- Ground surveillance
- Coastal / maritime surveillance
- Radar imaging (SAR, ISAR)
- Foliage penetration radars
- Digital Array Radars / Digital Beamforming
Expertise in key radar fields:
- Statistical signal processing & detection theory
- Advanced multi-target tracking
- Millimeter-wave and microwave engineering.
In-house developed tools for radar performance prediction:
- GIS-powered site-specific performance simulation for multi-radar deployments (ART Deployment Assistant)
- Computer assisted sensor deployment

Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Engineering
Design and production of high performance microwave and millimeter-wave subsystems:
- Thermal & MTBF analysis
- Circuit & Electromagnetic simulation
- High power amplifiers
- Broadband transmitters
- Ultra stable signal generators
- Low noise receivers
Deep understanding of state-of-the art production technologies:
- Multilayer microstrip circuits
- Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC)

Electrical Engineering
Development of digital electronic subsystems and low frequency analog circuits:
- Direct digital synthesis boards for high quality radar signal generation
- Custom FPGA based digital signal processing boards
- High purity power supplies
- cPCI and VPX Boards
- cPCI and VPX Rear Transition Modules
- Thermal management subsystems

Antennas & Positioner Units
Design of custom antennas and positioner units:
- Reflector antennas
- Printed antennas
- Feed-horns
- Scan / positioner units with real-time multi-axis control systems

Embedded & Real-Time Systems
Implementation of real-time digital signal processors on COTS or in-house developed hardware platforms:
- Real-time digital signal processors design and simulation
- FPGA development & simulation expertise (VHDL, Modelsim)
- Linux embedded systems (x86, x86_64, PowerPC and ARM)
- Experience with key COTS hardware platform suppliers

Data Visualization & GIS
GIS-powered multi-sensor command & control software:
- Camera integration
- Semantic rules management
- Multi-core high rate data processing
Real-time GPU accelerated custom data visualization & processing engines:
- 3D GIS
- Scan-conversion of raw radar data
- Radar coverage prediction
ART R&D Team has a broad scope of research and engineering background that results in an extensive range of cutting edge capabilities.